Imagine this: you wake up one day and look at yourself in the mirror. You notice the dark circles under your eyes, your skin looking lifeless, and your body feeling tired as if it’s been exhausted for years. This is the textbook sign of an unhealthy lifestyle! There is a lot more to life than just working, going out, and having fun. Life has so much to offer and you should be able to enjoy it in full health. Now, there are 2 simple rules for living a healthy lifestyle: eat healthily and exercise. However, apart from these two rules, certain tips and tricks can significantly improve the quality of your life without changing much. So, if you’re planning to turn your life around to become healthier then keep on reading.
1. Sitting On The Floor
Have you noticed how most people in Asian countries prefer sitting on the floor? There might be a healthy reason behind it! It’s understandably less comfortable than your cozy sofa but you would skip it if you get to know that sitting on the floor could help you stay healthy. This is because when you continuously stand up from a seated position on the floor, you boost your flexibility, coordination, and strength. It, eventually, improves life expectancy.

Ron Lach/ Pexels | After you get used to it, your seating preference will change
2. Adding Some Olive Oil
A splash of olive oil in your salad will not only enhance the taste of your food but can also improve your health. Certain nutrients are fat soluble like vitamin A, D, E, and K, and with the help of a bit of fat, you can increase their absorption in your body.

RFStudio/ Pexels | Next time you should try adding a bit of drizzle of olive oil to your meals.
3. No Wine Before Bedtime
It’s reported that having a glass of wine can help you fall asleep quicker but it doesn’t improve your sleep quality. It ruins your sleep quality and you spend the next day feeling exhausted and tired. The best way to combat this sluggish feeling would be to avoid drinking wine in the late hours of the day. To get a basic idea, your body generally takes one hour to process a single unit of alcohol.

Valerie Boltneva/ Pexels | Next time you want to get a glass of wine, remind yourself of this
Here’s to getting healthy and living a long life.