Our diet affects our health, sleep, weight and how we feel about ourselves. And while delicious food can be difficult to avoid, we should make small tweaks in our daily diet to incorporate options which are better for our body and well-being. Here are some of the diet tips and tricks to get you started on your fitness journey:
Increase the protein in your diet
Protein is one of the most important nutrients to incorporate in your diet. It is called the king of nutrients, and for good reasons. Protein is one of the most filling nutrients, and can make you feel more full by affecting the satiety hormones. This way you can feel fuller by eating less calories.
According to one study, having a diet high in protein can decrease levels of ghrelin, a hormone that makes you feel hungry, as compared to a carb-rich diet that can lead to obesity in some people. Protein is also highly effective in retaining muscle mass. It can also increase the amount of calories a person burns in a day.
Protein is especially recommended to people who are working on their weight loss, as it can prevent loss of muscle mass, can make you feel fuller for longer and stop cravings for unhealthy food. Nuts, dairy, meat and eggs are some good sources of protein.
Drink adequate water:
Drinking an adequate amount of water in a day is paramount for your health. Drinking enough water can help in weight loss, makes it easier to maintain your ideal weight, and can also help you burn slightly more calories in a day.Drinking water before each meal helps you curb your cravings, and can prevent you from overeating. It is also good for digestion.
Having water in place of sodas and other carbonated drinks can help reduce added sugar intake in your diet and thus decrease your total calorie count in a day.
Go for baked food instead of fried food
The food preparation method is important as it determines the amount of calories and nutrients that you consume. The healthiest food preparation methods are baking and grilling. Broiling and frying food can add certain toxic compounds to your food, not to mention the added calories. Advanced glycation end products and heterocyclic amines are some of the compounds added to food after frying and broiling that can prove to be potentially toxic.