Happiness can be found in the little things in life. Here’s how you can elevate your mood and get instantly happy by making small changes in your life to achieve peace and calm
Get wet:
Staying near water, be it through a pool or the ocean, makes you feel instantly better. The interaction we have with water can instantly transport us to a meditative mind space, which makes us calmer,happier and more relaxed. We finally stop thinking about the future and dwelling on the past, and finally become focused on the present. And if you don’t have a body of water near you,then even looking at the pictures of water can bring you calmness and joy.

Jed Villejo/Unsplash. Spending time with your friends also triggers happy chemicals in your brain.
Go out with friends:
Friends are people who bring the most joy to our hearts. If you have been feeling down lately, it’s time to reconnect with old friends and plan a day out. Spending time with friends can even be better for your mental health and happiness than spending time with family, according to various studies.

Alan Caishan/Unsplash. Getting a massage soothes your nerves and relaxes you well.
Get a massage:
A massage will relieve all your tension,and you would be able to feel the stress evaporating right at the massage table. These stress relieving massages can instantly make you feel better. They are also linked to the production of happy chemicals in the brain, serotonin and dopamine.
Sniff your favorite scents:
Getting a whiff of your favorite scents can greatly impact your mood. Just taking in vanilla can bring you instant joy. You can also take up aromatherapy to destress. Using jasmine in aromatherapy can even help alleviate symptoms of the depressive disorder. But remember,scent is a very personal thing, and you must like the scent before it brings you any happiness. Make sure to find your favorite smells and combos and get whiffing!

Priscilla Du Preez/Unsplash. Gardening increases the production of serotonin in your brain, making you feel happier.
Owning and taking care of a garden is another mood boosting activity. There is a certain bacteria found in the soil called the mycobacterium vaccae, which can produce serotonin in your mind upon interaction. Serotonin is a chemical in your brain which makes you feel happier.
Be grateful:
Gratefulness is the one trait which keeps on giving. Being grateful not only makes you humble and thankful, it also makes you stay in the present, focus on the positives and keep you grounded. Practice focusing on the things you are grateful for that day for a couple of minutes in a day and you will see it impacting your happiness levels in a short amount of time.